International Honorary Organization for Women Educators
International Alpha Delta Kappa Style Sheet - the proper capitalizations, abbreviations, and other language usage issues
How to create the correct abbreviation of Alpha Delta Kappa with the delta symbol when writing ADK -
type ADK, highlight the 'D' and change the font in the font box to Symbol. You may need to increase t he font size by 1 or 2 points. The 'D' should change to the Delta symbol D.
Cindy's "Cheat Sheet" - copy/paste these frequently used words in your documents, including the Hawaiian 'okina or kahakō in your documents. Mahalo to our state secretary, Cindy Razga, for this contribution.
Other Resources
Clip Art:
Download the images below by clicking on them and holding down the mouse button, or by clicking the right-hand mouse button. A menu will appear giving you the option to "save as," and you can save the image to your computer's hard drive.

Alpha Delta Kappa
International Logo

Alpha Delta Kappa
Membership Logo

Alpha Delta Kappa
Alpha Delta Kappa

Hawai'i ADK
2018 - 2020 Logo

Alpha Delta Kappa
Membership BW Logo

Hawai'i ADK
2020 - 2022 Logo

Alpha Delta Kappa
International Logo
Alpha Delta Kappa
SW Region Logo
Hawai'i ADK
2024-2026 Logo
Hawai'i ADK
2022-2024 Logo