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Welcome to the Hawai'i Alpha Delta Kappa Website


We are an international honorary organization of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism, and world understanding. Headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri, Alpha Delta Kappa has more than 1,200 chapters located in towns and cities in every state in the U.S., and around the world in Australia, Canada, Jamaica, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. There are sixteen chapters in Hawai'i -  twelve on Oahu, one on Maui, two on the island of Hawai'i, and one on Kaua'i. This website serves to provide information about Hawai'i Alpha Delta Kappa goals and programs, membership projects, and accomplishments. Check out the "Navigating the Website" page to learn more about HADK.




Upcoming Events

(Updated 05/05/24)


June 28-July 1, 2024: Joint NW/SW Regional Conference, Bellevue, WA

(June 30, 2024, State Dinner)

August 17, 2024*: Leadership Training and CCP/EEB#2Meeting (Virtual)*

October 12, 2024: Founders' Day


December 7, 2024*: CCP/EEB#3 Meeting


(*Tentative Dates)




​Check out the new International Alpha Delta Kappa Website 

​If you have a problem signing in to the brand new website, email headquarters for assistance and they will respond quickly with a new username and password for you.  There are 4 main sections: ABOUT, MEMBERSHIP, FOUNDATION, and MEMBERS ONLY. Take your time to check out each section. Although much of the information has not changed, its appearance is bigger (fonts), spaced out and easier on the eyes. When searching for information, you can also use the small magnifying glass on the top right of the page and enter the keyword(s). They may not have had a chance to complete the entire search database, in which case, go back to the 4 sections and look at the contents within each one. Have fun with it, do not stress out, and "you won't break it".


Hawai'i A∆K sisters, please check out the new DIRECTORY.  Go to the MEMBERS ONLY tab, "hover" over the words "Members Only" and a box with sub-headings will appear. Click on Directory and you will find help to update your information (address, email, phone changes), as well as how to do searches. You can find any individual member, chapter, or state directory and export it to a Word, Excel, or PDF document. Only you and 3 of your chapter officers can modify your contact information. Please learn to do your own updates, should anything change, to keep our directory updated.


More tips and tricks about the new website are forthcoming.  We want to help you confidently whiz through it like a good book!


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